Update - Monday 18th May

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I hope you had a lovely weekend and are keeping safe and well. We have been blessed with some beautiful weather over the last few days.

Glounaguillagh N.S. @ Home:

Our thanks to everyone who has emailed their photographs, recipes and videos over the last number of weeks. It's a lovely way to stay in contact during this time. We really enjoy seeing all your photographs. Click here to read issue 4 of our magazine - https://www.glounaguillaghns.ie/news-1

School Portraits:

The school photograph proofs were delivered to the school during the week. Your child's class teacher has shared the proof with you via Seesaw/Google Classroom or by email. If you would like to place an order, you must do so prior to 28th May 2020. Your child's proof contains a code to allow you to access the website and view/order the photographs. Should you have any issues, please contact the school office on glounaguillaghns@gmail.com.

Message for the children:

Please find attached an audio message from me for your children - https://vimeo.com/419694921

Thank you all once more for your support at this time.

Stay safe!

Sinéad Pigott

