January e-Newsletter
17th January 2020
A thuismitheoirí,
On behalf of the teachers and board of management, I would like to wish you all a very Happy New Year!
Dates for your diary:
Thursday 20th & Friday 21st February – Mid Term Holidays (School Closed)
Monday 16th March – School Closed
Tuesday 17th March - St. Patrick’s Day (School Closed)
Monday 6th – Friday 17th April – Easter Holidays (School Closed)
Wednesday 22nd April at 3:30pm - Confirmation (School Open)
Saturday 2nd May at 10:30am - First Holy Communion
Monday 4th May – May Bank Holiday (School Closed)
Monday 1st June – June Bank Holiday (School Closed)
Contact Details:
Please remember to update your details if you have changed your mobile number and/or address recently. Contact the office to do so via email at glounaguillaghns@gmail.com.
Please ensure that children wear the agreed uniform i.e. navy and white. A reminder that leggings are not appropriate for school. Please ensure that jumpers are clearly labelled otherwise it is impossible to determine ownership.
Absence Notes:
It is essential that your child submits an absence explanation note following an absence from school. All families have been provided with a booklet of these. If you need a replacement booklet please let us know. Children with absences of 20 days or greater are required, by law, to be reported to Túsla – the Child and Family Agency.
Quiz Night:
Our annual Parents' Association fundraising quiz night will take place on Friday 31st January at 8pm at The Red Fox Inn. The Parents' Association have asked that if anybody has any unwanted sweets, biscuits, unwanted gift sets or baskets for making hampers, left over after Christmas, they would love to take them off your hands to make up a few hampers for their raffle. You can contact Nuala on 086-1968568.
Enrolment for 2020/2021 - Enrolment Application Forms will be available for collection from the school office from Monday 3rd February. If you have any further queries please contact the school on 066-9769402 or glounaguillaghns@gmail.com.
Relax Kids:
We are delighted to welcome back Sarah Cunningham, Sarah Rose Therapies, who will complete 6 weeks of "Relax Kids" classes with the children in Junior Infants, Senior Infants and 1st Class from Wednesday next. Classes are themed and cover mindfulness, relaxation, games, breathing exercises, stretching and self massage. The classes help give the children life skills to deal with the different worries or anxieties they have. For the classes, it would be much appreciated if each family could provide a small pillow and a small blanket that will remain in school until the classes finish. The school will cover the cost of the classes. It is thanks to the fundraising undertaken by the Parents Association that we are able to do so and for that we are very grateful!
Time to Read:
The Time to Read programme in 2nd Class is on-going. The first group of volunteer readers have completed their reading sessions and the second group will take-over shortly. The children have been invited to Fexco for a visit on Wednesday next. We are very excited to explore Fexco and see where our volunteer readers work!
Lee Strand Milk Labels:
We would be delighted if you could continue to collect the Lee Strand tokens for us. We will exchange them for homework diaries for the children at the end of the school year. Please be aware that only tokens from the new "green" renewable tetra-pak cartons will be accepted. (See image). The plastic milk labels will no longer be accepted.
Have a lovely weekend!
Sinéad Pigott