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May e-Newsletter

Dear Parents/Guardians,

What a busy time of year! It’s hard to believe that we are now facing into the final weeks of the school year.

Dates for your Diary

  • Saturday 14th May – First Holy Communion @ 12 noon

  • Thursday 26th May – School Photos

  • Friday 3rd June – Infant School Tour

  • Monday 6th June – Bank Holiday (school closed)

  • Friday 10th June – New Junior Infant Open Day

  • Monday 13th June – 4th – 6th Class School Tour

  • Thursday 16th June – 1st – 3rd School Tour

  • Friday 17th June – whole school First Aid training

  • Friday 24th June – End-of-Year Service; School closes for the summer at 12 noon

Standardised Tests

Testing in Maths, Reading and Spelling for children from 1st to 6th class will be carried out in the coming weeks. Standardised tests are just one form of assessment used in primary schools. They are a snapshot of how a child performs in Maths and English on a specific day and should be interpreted with caution. As in other years, if a teacher has concerns, she will be in contact with you with advice as to how you can help your child. Results of your child’s standardised tests will be communicated on your child’s summer report, to be issued in June.


We are still accepting enrolment applications for September 2022. A limited number of places are available in our Junior Infant class as well as some of our other classes. If you would like any further information, please contact the school office on 066-9769402 or email us at

Next Year

It’s the time of the year when our attention turns to allocating next year’s classes. To that end, if you know your child will not be returning to our school after the summer (other than 6th class pupils), please let the office know as soon as possible.

First Holy Communion

We wish the lovely boys and girls from 2nd Class all the very best when they receive the sacrament of First Holy Communion in St. James’ Church on Saturday at 12 noon. We hope you have a lovely day celebrating with your families! May you always know the peace of Jesus, the light of his love, and the joy of his life within you. Our thanks to the school choir for giving of their time to attend on Saturday and the Parents’ Association for providing the children with some treats.

6th Class Graduation/End-of-Year Service

Our end-of-year service will take place on Friday 24th June. We will confirm the time closer to the date. You are welcome to come along and celebrate the end of the school year with us and say goodbye to our wonderful 6th Class children.

Contact Details:

Don’t forget, if you have changed your email and/or phone number please let us school know immediately in order to continue to receive text/email updates from the school. You can contact the office by email at

Open Day

We will have an "Open Day" for the incoming Junior Infants on Friday 10th June at 11am. The children get the chance to spend an hour in their room, meet the teachers, have a look around the school and chat with all their new friends before they embark on the "Big School" journey in September.

Time to Read

The Time to Read programme is well underway involving the children in 2nd Class. We are extremely grateful to Business in the Community Ireland and Fexco for continuing with the programme year-on-year. It’s such a lovely programme and although the programme is being delivered virtually again this year, the enthusiasm of the organisers and volunteers is just fantastic to see. A huge thank you to Eileen, Germaine, Cathal and our wonderful volunteers. The children will be going on a visit to Killorglin Library on May 25th as well as a trip to Fexco on June 23rd as part of the programme.

School Photographs

This year, ‘County Photos – The School Photographers’ will be coming to the school on Thursday 26th May. The children will have their photographs taken in school on this day. A proof of each photograph taken will be sent home for parents to view. Full details on prices and how to purchase will be included with the proof photographs. There is no money to be paid upfront and there is no obligation to buy the photographs once they are taken.

School Tours

All classes will be going on an end-of-year school tour. Class teachers will send more details directly to parents.

Junior and Senior Infants – Friday 3rd June – Kennedy’s Pet Farm

1st, 2nd and 3rd Classes – Thursday 16th June – Bowling Buddies

4th, 5th & 6th Classes – Monday 13th June – Eclipse Activity Centre, Kenmare

Community Games

Congratulations to Zoë Russell who came in 1st Place in the recent Killorglin Community Games U8 Art competition. Zoë's picture went forward to be adjudicated in the County selection process. A very well done also to Réiltín O'Shea, Fionn Griffin and John Diggin who came 2nd and 4th in their respective competitions. Well done to you all!


A condensed football calendar means there is lots happening these days!

Girls Blitz:

Our girls team took part in a Cumann na mBunscol Blitz in Ballymac during the week playing Kilcummin N.S., O’Brennan N.S. and Cullina N.S. Unfortunately, we did not progress any further in the competition but it was a great day out and a wonderful chance for the girls to practice and develop their skills.

Primary Game:

Clodagh Griffin and Fionán O’Connor represented the school at the Primary Game trials. Fionán qualified for the following round in Tralee -a great achievement! We await Kerry’s progress to find out if Fionán will don the Kerry jersey at some stage. Well done to you both!

Mid Kerry Skills:

Erin Dwyer, Aoibheann Moloney and Clodagh Hoare represented the school at the Mid Kerry Girls Skills competition while Callum Robertson, Seán Doherty and Odhran Foley attended the Mid Kerry Boys Skills competition. All performed very well in their respective competitions. Well done to the boys who placed 2nd overall on the day and congratulations to Seán who has made it through to the County Skills Final based on his individual performance.

ISK Blitz:

6th Class were invited along to the ISK blitz held yesterday. The children had a great day. Our thanks to the TYs along with Micheal O'Sé for having us.

Next Up:

We are getting underway in the Mid-Kerry competition with games against Scoil Mhuire and Réalt na Mara, Cromane next week as well as further games against Cullina N.S. and Nagle Rice, Milltown. The very best of luck to all involved.

The girls’ team will play in the Mid-Kerry Girls Blitz on Thursday 26th May.

Our thanks to Pat for training our school teams and for giving of his time to attend the games and blitzes. It is very much appreciated.

Junior Achievement Ireland

Mrs. Fleming’s 4th & 5th Class and Mrs. Galvin’s 5th & 6th Class are involved in this fantastic initiative. Mrs. Galvin’s Class have completed all their sessions while Mrs. Fleming’s have a few more with their volunteer and are thoroughly enjoying the lessons. Thanks to Junior Achievement Ireland, as well as our volunteers from Fexco and Dell for participating with us.


The annual Mid-Kerry School Sports Day will go ahead on Monday in the J.P. O’Sullivan Park, Killorglin. Heats were run off here at school over the last week and we wish all those who qualified the very best of luck! Well done to Megan and Donnacha Quigg who represented the school at the Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cross Country running in March. Both did extremely well with Megan coming 4th and Donnacha placing 13th. A fantastic achievement with over 60 in each race. Congratulations to you both.

Summer Uniform

The boys and girls are permitted to wear the summer uniform (navy school shorts) from now on, should they wish to do so. Let’s hope we get some good weather!

Summer Holidays

We will close for our Summer Holidays on Friday 24th June at 12 noon.

Kind Regards,

Sinéad Pigott




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 Glounaguillagh National School 2024

Caragh Lake, Killorglin, Co. Kerry

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