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Summer Provision Programme

We received guidance in relation to the proposed Summer Provision Programme from the Department of Education late last week. Having read the guidance, we have taken the decision not to host a school-based Summer Provision programme here at the school.

Unfortunately, we feel that the school-based programme is completely unworkable. We would have a situation where just 1 teacher and 1 SNA would be responsible for up to 12 children (from Junior Infants up to 6th Class).

To be eligible for the scheme, a child would currently be in receipt of 1-to-1 SET support or small group teaching as well as possibly requiring SNA support on a regular basis. Unfortunately, with only 2 adults, we feel the needs of all 12 children would not be adequately supported by running the school-based programme.

Finally, if we were to opt to run the summer programme in school, parents of eligible children cannot then opt out if they would prefer their child to work at home 1-to-1 with a tutor. It is our opinion that the majority of the children that would avail of this programme would be better supported on a 1-to-1 basis in their homes. Unfortunately, the children would be ineligible for the home-based scheme should the school run the school-based programme.

We will continue to do everything we can to assist you in sourcing a tutor for your child. I will list a number of websites below that you can register on to allow you to locate a tutor in the area.

Here are some websites to assist you in sourcing a tutor.



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 Glounaguillagh National School 2024

Caragh Lake, Killorglin, Co. Kerry

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