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Full Return to School for All Classes

Dear Parents and Guardians,

It has been lovely to see Infants to Second Class return to school over this past week and great to get the opportunity to say a quick hello to you all, even if it is from a distance. We are all just so delighted to be back.

The Department of Education has now confirmed that 3rd - 6th Classes can return to school next Monday 15th March. This is great news! We are looking forward to seeing the older children as we have really missed their presence around the school. The school isn’t the same without them!

Return to School Declaration Form

Thank you to everyone for completing this in advance of your child’s return to school last week. We had 100% compliance with this new protocol which is absolutely amazing. So again, míle buíochas.

For the parents of children in 3rd – 6th Classes, you will need to complete the Return to School Declaration Form in advance of your child returning to school on Monday morning. The form can be accessed through our school website,

While the form is available now for those of us attending school, I would ask you to wait until later in the week to complete the form in advance of Monday, just in case there is any change in your child’s health status between now and then.

As it is a mandatory requirement, all children will need a completed online form before returning to school on Monday.

Please note that for any future absences the Return to School Declaration Form must be completed in advance of your child returning to school.

If you have any queries, please contact your child's class teacher or the office on

Thank you for your continued support throughout this time and for your cooperation around the completion of the Return to School Declaration Forms.

Kind regards,

Sinéad Pigott



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 Glounaguillagh National School 2024

Caragh Lake, Killorglin, Co. Kerry

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